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City School District of New Rochelle Celebrates Completion of 2016 Capital Project

In 2016, voters of the City School District of New Rochelle approved a $106.5 million capital project designed to address health and safety, infrastructure, site, and educational needs across all 10 school buildings. Joined by community members, faculty, administration, and health and safety committee leaders, the district held a bond celebration on Thursday, December 15th to officially mark the completion of this transformative project.

Planning for the capital project began in 2015 with the completion of the district’s building condition survey, which revealed an unsatisfactory condition rating for all 10 schools based on state guidelines. With CSArch as a partner, the City School District of New Rochelle prioritized district-wide improvements required to maximize student safety, optimize building performance, and enhance the learning experience.

The support from the community was partially the result of a ceiling collapse at Daniel Webster Elementary School, which heightened the critical need to address all school buildings. Today, faculty and administrators can continue to do impactful work in modernized, updated facilities that enhance the safety and education of all students.

“We have completed the latest round of the building condition survey, and every building in the district is now rated as satisfactory,” said Thomas Ritzenthaler, Executive Principal at CSArch. “The goal of this entire program was achieved, and that’s an important milestone to celebrate.”

Visit the City School District of New Rochelle project page for more information.